Reasil technology has an effective impact on the productive functions of animals and birds (milk production, egg production, weight gain) by improving the functioning of four body systems:
the gastrointestinal tract, liver, reproductive system, immune system.
There are reliable results of Reasil application, confirming the effectiveness of these products for solving a number of tasks: improving health, increasing productivity, meeting the high quality and safety requirements for meat, dairy and egg food prodcts.
Reasil feed materials are unique because they act in several directions simalteniously. They improve the gastrointestinal tract and feed absorption, function as a liver hepatoprotector, remove antibiotic residues from the body, act as an effective entero-sorbent of endotoxins, exotoxins and mycotoxins, strengthen the immune system and protect against stress, improve the performance of the animal's reproductive system.
Reasil helps to ensure competitive livestock, poultry and fish farming in accordance with current legislation and high consumer demand for high-quality and safe products.